Add BL Markers

This template will add the BLine Markers only to an existing chart with your template on it. It can also be used as a stand alone.


Add BL Markers Template

The only items on this template are the BLine and the Markers on the chart.

After making sure your current template you are using is saved, follow the following steps to add this template to your existing chart after saving the template into a template folder.

1. Go to chart objects window and delete all of the studies in the BLine window. This template assumes the BLine window is study window 7 and the template will put BLine back into studies window 7.

2. Go to your template window. Highlight the Add BL Markers template.
Uncheck Replace (Do not do this step if you do not already have a template on the chart).
Click on Open. You should now see the template put the BLine back on your chart with the markers. (You want to make sure replace gets checked again after you are through.)

3. Resave the template you are were using on your chart to preserve this change. This newly saved template with the added BL Markers on your old template is now ready to apply to your other charts. You might also want to resave your workspace.

For an explanation of these markers please go to:

The chart at the above link is on the same day as the following chart to show how the markers would help with the only two setups you need to know to become profitable if you trade with the trend using MOFs and Slings.

Do a playback for June 13, 2006 to practice this day. Files are available at

Last updated 12/23/2006